Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Stem and leaf plot

A stem and leaf diagram is a diagram that show raw data in many different ways including but not limited to graphs, tables, and charts. The data in the plot is arranged by place value. Stem and lead plots can be vital to a large fortune five hundred company with thousands of employees that are trying to keep track of their budget and their bottom line. They are great when someone is trying to store a large amount of information in a small place. This graph is a great representation of data that has been arranged to be viewer friendly while using place values to its advantage.


Box plot

A box plot is an image which uses a graph to depict statistical information. Different section the statistical box plot encompass the graph starting with the sample minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and sample maximum. In addition, off the wall numbers which far exceed the data sets are numbers that we refer as to outliers. This graph represents all of the data we discussed except the outliers.



A histogram is a common graph which represents graphical data through statistics and allows the viewer of the graph to see clearly how the information has been distributed. The core use of a histogram is for plotting large amounts of data that need to be analyzed and put to use. This could be anything from production of livestock to the bottom line of a sales company that needs to make a certain amount by the end of the year.


Parallel coordinate graph

A parallel coordinate graph is in a league of its own. This graph is so confusing to understand that the whole goal of the graph is not make you learn some new type of date but to show you how data can correlate to each other even if you don't understand the data itself. These types of graphs that involve a lot of lines are generally hard to read but once the beginning point is given, the flow of the chart will come to the viewer a lot easier.


Triangular plot

A triangular plot uses a graph to represent three different ratios of variable to depict a certain representation of material. These graphs are usually associated with physical science coursed such as chemistry, biology, and oceanography. The proportions and variables must all equal each other. This illustration is a good representation of a triangular plot because it represents three different variables which are percent clay, percent silt, and percent sand and they are made into a triangular graph and depict a certain physical science subject matter.



A windrose is a tool that is highly utilized by meteorologists to forecast wind speeds and directional flow. A windrose originated from the term "compass rose" which tells direction. The windrose shows a wide band of wind direction and uses different colors to plot directional flow and speed. This diagram is a perfect example of what I have just described. It compares to a compass rose with the directional flow but uses colors to show the variation in the directional flow and wind speed.



A climograph is a basic map that shows graphical information that represents climate material such as rainfall, average temperature, heat index, and humidity levels. Most people use a climograph for reviewing weather patterns at the fly versus actually sitting down and analyzing the patterns from a finer point of view. This climograph represent the average temperature for Pensacola, Florida from a year round perspective. The number and months are represented clearly as well as the temperatures.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Population profile

A population profile map is very similar to the U.S. Census. A population profile can be very useful in this day and age because it can show us different population, demographics, racial characteristics, and even house occupancy rates. This image shows us the population profile census for the state of Florida for 2010.



A scatterplot is very common and is a mathematical design that displays different variables and raw data that helps us gain a better grasp and understanding of the material that is being presented. Scatterplots can be used in many different situations from sports, sales, and exercise to race car driving, transportation modes, and instructional manuals. This illustration is a perfect example of a scatterplot. It has all of the variable sets that which are being illustrated to help explain to the general public.


Index value plot

An index value plot is one that you can view different variations in different situations. A good example of an index value plot would be any map that deals with different figures relating to stream flow or different vibrations related with a seismograph relating to a weather phenomenon such as an earthquake. This graph represents all the different variations of stream flow of different streams in North Carolina since July of 1999.


Lorenz Curve

The Lorenz Curve is described as one that has a graphical representation to demonstrate what the bottom percentages are of any given study. These bottom percentages could be any raw data set including the bottom household incomes for particular areas of the country. In addition the Lorenz Curve has numerous statistical calculations that help to explain how the "bottom line" or the "bottom percentages" were calculated. This simple graphic represents a Lorenz Curve and exemplifies the bottom percentages and inequalities.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bilateral graph

A bilateral graph is different than what you would think of if you had to come up with a map. When you think of a map, you don’t exactly think of a chart or a graph but that is exactly what this type of map is. A bilateral graph compares two different variables that tend to overlap one another. This map in particular shows exactly where the chart crossed each other and tracked the variables that the US trade deficit with the world had gone through.

Nominal area choropleth map

A nominal area chlopoleth map is one that is presented with a very simplistic type of style. There are no crazy intimate details, it is all laid out in simple terms to where a ten year old would be able to read that style of map. On these maps there are no types of information explaining deserts, water, bodies, or mountain ranges. They specifically show countries and major cities. This map in particular definitely qualifies because it is a very simplistic map and shows the locations of the different countries in Europe.

Unstandardized choropleth map

An undstandardized chloropleth map uses raw number from the data instead of using a standardized values, that why its called an "unstandardized map". In addition, the maps used data sets that are used by numerical values gathered from the information that is going to be presented. A lot of times different colors and shading patterns are used to present the different pieces of information. The information present in the above map shows us the growing Hispanic population in the United States. The variables in the map are not averaged and are not standardized.


Standardized choropleth map

Standardized chloropleth maps are a variation of chloroplath map that do a very complete and efficient job of explaining all of the information in an efficient manner. The standard chloropleth map uses a formula that is constantly being updated and always had an accurate way of presenting the different types of material. The different subjects are always being divided into a particular subsection which in turn makes the material accurate and understandable. This map is a perfect example of a standardized chloropleth map because it illustrates and calculates the population and densities per square mile of the people that live in this country.


Univariate choropleth map

A Univariate choropleth map shows us a single variable that is used as data to express information over a broad area of land. A lot of time the variable will be displayed on a map via a color scheme or at least in a form of shading. Many of times these maps are singled out as the "easiest" to read and most easily understood. This particular map show us and estimation of individual that live in poverty. It presents one set of data which is then defined by that particular color scheme.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bivariate choropleth map

A bivariate chloropleth map is a variation of chloroplath map that strives towards illustrating a particular map though graphics that use different symbols to explained different information. These types of maps tend to bring about information that reveals information which helps to compare many different types of figures. In addition these maps relate spatial distribution through different geographical areas. This map qualifies as a bivariate chloropleth map because all of the above characteristics I have described are used in the illustration.


Unclassed choropleth maps

An unclassed chloropleth map has a concept that is difficult to grasp. The data values are not proportionate to the shading that correlates the information and the colorations together. Although these types of maps may not seem impossible to figure out, they are highly criticized by cartographers because they claim the overall effectiveness of the map is too complex. This map holds all of the features of an unclassed chloroplah map. The major difference between this map and a classed chhloroplath map is this map does not have an average statistic towards each color on the map.

Classed choropleth maps

When discussing a classed cloroplath we must include what the different colors and variations represent in these types of maps. Shading, height, and color intensity are the main characteristics describing one of these types of maps. The frequencies in these map types help to describe the overall view of the map. This map qualifies as a classed chloroplath map because each of the shaded areas counts as class interval levels. This particular map describes how much each student in the public education system in that particular school year.


Monday, March 26, 2012

Range graded proportional circle map

When determining an example of a range graded proportional circle map, we must take into account that all of the data has been divided into two different groups. The individual in charge of making the map (cartographer) chooses how big and how small the circles must be to represent the data at hand. The different types of circles can show us how big a population is or how small one is.


Continuously variable proportional circle map

A continuously variable proportional circle map can show us exactly how multiple variables can be expressed in appropriate matters while still attaining proportionality. This map clearly demonstrates exactly what I have just described. Obviously a bigger circle on the map represents a bigger population of people but at the same time some type of variation is being demonstrated. There is a lot of information to be discovered by reading this small map.



A DOQQ map is an abbreviation for Digital Orthophoto Quarter Pads. This digital photo is an example of an aerial photo in which different areas of terrain that has been removed from the photo. This type of map has a unique way of tying together the image characteristics of the photo with the geometric make up of the map. This map qualifies as a Digital Orthophoto Quarter Pads map because the map is broken down into unique different sections and some of the land terrain had been removed to help emphasize the actual structural make up of the land and not the terrain.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


A DEM map is short for a "Digital Elevation Model". This is usually depicted by a map which uses 3-Dimensional figures to represent the images. These types of maps are commonly used when describing craters on the surface of the moon or canyons and mountains when depicting a scene here on Earth. Most of the time this model only references height and depth without describing any of the other features that could be used to describe that particular type of terrain. This Map exemplifies a DEM map because it illustrates the map the same way we just described it. It shows us the elevations without giving us too much descriptive types of detail.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

DLG map

The DLG map is a digital line graph which is formed by the USGS. These types of maps come in three different types of scales including large scale, intermediate scale, and small scale maps. The DLG map has nine different categories including public land survey system, boundaries, transportation, hydrography, non-vegetative features, survey control and markers, man-made features, and vegetative surface cover. This map is represents many of the different features I have just discussed.

Monday, March 5, 2012


DGR is an acronym for Digital Raster Graphic. Pretty much, a Digital Raster Graphic is a scanned image of a USGS map which includes all different types of information. The DRG maps are of extreme high quality with maps which are scanned with a minimum of 250 dots per inch.  


Tuesday, February 28, 2012


An isopleth is described as a line on a map that shows equal values of an area. A good example would be a map of the Gulf of Mexico. There are contour lines on maps of the Gulf of Mexico that show fisherman, boat captains, and the public in general exactly what the depths are in a given and by doing this, we can see the different bottom areas of the Gulf of Mexico that have equal bottom depths. There are areas south of Tallahassee in the Gulf of Mexico that have equel depths and they would be shown via isopleths.



An isopach is described as a figure used on a map to show the thickness of the terrain that area is sitting on. These figures can describe to us exactly what type of rock formations are in a certain area based on their thickness. Thus, we can determine where the limestone formations are, where the granite walls are, and where any pipe clay may lay on ones property that they are planning to develop. In this illustration we can see the different isopaches that are of equal thickness.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


An isohyet is described as a line that connects two points on a map that have the same amounts of rainfall. If it rains 8 inches in Orlando, Florida and 8 inches in Miami, Florida the line that connects the two together is described as an isohyet. Once again, this figure is used to help the general public understand exactly what is going on as far as rainfall. This map shows us exactly what a isohyet is by the illustration of the connecting lines on the map.



An isotach is a line on a weather map where winds of similar speed have been recorded. Many times these lines are used by cartographers, meteorologists, and geographers. These lines help to explain to the general public exactly what weather systems such as hurricanes bring to an area as wind speed goes. This map is a perfect example of an isotach because of the  connecting lines that help to describe to the general public where the winds are in a front line.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Isobars are described as line on a map that represents different patterns of temperature and pressure. These lines spread across the entire region of the country to help show the differentiation in the pressure gradient and exactly how this affects the overall temperature of that particular area. The point being behind these lines is it makes the general public more catch on easier as to exactly what is happening around the country. If we take a long on a map that has presented to us by the national weather service we can see the change in temperature highlighted by shading in color variation and by the lines stretching across the country from one region to another. In this particular map, we can see the isobars stretching across the country from north to south which exemplifies exactly what we just talked about.



LIDAR stands for light detection and ranging. This technology is used for remote sensing and measures distances via light and illuminating technology. More often than not this technology is used by the U.S. military. This technology is also used for doing research on the atmosphere and meteorology. This technology uses lazars recreate all different objects in the world onto a map including buildings, rock formations, and oceans. This particular image exemplifies a LIDAR image with all of the buildings that have carefully been sculpted by the lazar technology and recreated on paper.


Monday, February 20, 2012

Doppler radar

A doppler radar is one that uses velocity to predict movements of weather patterns. A doppler radar is commonly used by weather man and it a tool used my meteorologists all over the world. In this particular map, we can see the doppler radar with the rain bands moving in from the west and this map also has a feature where you can put the map in motion and see the velocity of the front line of storms and we can actually predict where the band will hit next.


Black & White Aerial Photo

Aerial photos were originally developed to help test remote sensing tools developed by the government. The photos can be taken anywhere from 1000 feet up to 60000 feet in the air. These photos are utilized the most between the Bureau of Land Management and NASA. The photo I have decided to use exemplifies all of the aspects of a Black and White Aerial Photo.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Infrared Aerial Photo Map

Infrared aerial photo maps are defined as very important pieces of equipment to many businesses and agencies worldwide. These maps and images can be used to record important data in the world such as pollution, the health of our oceans and forests but at the same time they can be used in a business to determine how different exactly how they need to perform to make them be more profitable. These images can pinpoint areas of concern and can lead the people monitoring them to the problem and closer to how to come up with a solution to that particular issue. In this partiular photo, we can see Doak Campbell Stadium and all of the infrared structures surrounding it.


Cartographic Animation Map

Cartographic animations have been utilized since the 1960's. This particular type of map is defined as one that has the ability to show several different animations that change from one scene to the next to depict and explain exactly what is going on. For example, if we were trying to show the populations estimates over the 1900's of Asian-Americans in the Midwestern portion of the U.S. we could show a several different frames in a sequence to show how the populations have either increased or decreased. I would be able to give this map to anybody and through the animations they would be able know exactly what we were discussing and exactly what that particular demographic has done regarding an increase or decrease in population. This is a good example of a cartographic animation because it shows us in different frames the estimated track of hurricane Andrew. I can look at this map and without anyone telling me what it is and know exactly what it means.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Statistical Map

A statistical map is described as one that provides large amounts of information via illustrations through maps. This type of map can represent all different types of data from populations, demographics, and weather patterns to business sales, political information, and energy usage. This map represents the statistics revolving around travel time to and from work for the general population.



A cartogram is a map that involves a theme and exaggeration. The illustration of the map will accent and highlight points of the map to highlight areas that they want you to notice. For instance, a map of the U.S. could be distorted by highlighting the populations of the states versus the actual size in land mass. This means the Northeastern U.S. would be huge compared the rest of the U.S. This map exemplifies exactly what a cartogram is. This map shows the electoral vote for the 2008 election, which obviously is an exaggerated view of the countries actual size.  


Flow Map

A flow map is described as one that is a mixed up map that shows the directional flow of items through a particular area. These maps can show movement of any item through a particular location. For example, a flow map can show the migratory movement of a particular animal species such as a Canadian goose. It can show the different routs the geese can use during their migration such as resting location and feeding locations. This particular map shows the flow of traffic in the city of Spokane.


Isoline Map

Isoline maps show patterns that are usually represented by lines. An isoline map can also be referred to as a contour map. The lines on these maps can illustrate steepness, slopes, and elevation such as mountains and valleys. In addition, and isoline map also tries to demonstrate a 3 dimensioal view of the area under review.
I have chosen this map because it demonstrates exactly how the the contour lines help to create this type of map.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Proportional circle map

A proportional circle map uses circles to represent different ranges within the data. For the most part, these ranges are limited and can only be designated a certain size. As we can see this map in particular represents different ranges in Mexican population per state in the United States. The larger circle represents 6,000,000 Mexicans per state and the smallest circle represents 3,000.


Choropleth Map

A chloroplast map is a map that has areas that have differnt shades, colors, and patterns. These different colors and patterns represent various statistical information regarding the subject the map is pertaining to. An exaple of a chloroplast map could be a population density map as well as a per capita income map. This map in particular displays the Hispanic and Latino population per county by the color scheme illustrated in the map. 


Monday, February 6, 2012

Dot Distribution Map

A dot distribution map is one that is uses a dot to represent a certain number of figures in a certain geographic boundary area. Dots are generally placed where there is the highest chance of the individuals to show up in that certain area. For example, if an area has a lot of "individuals" a single dot can be placed to represent those 100 "individuals". This map represents "beer bellies of America". Each dot on the map represents an area where there are more bars than grocery stores!


Propaganda Map

Propaganda maps are used as a persuasive tool to convince individuals to feel a certain way. They can be used as an informative tool especially during political campaigns. These maps are not always true but when dealing with political information, truth is not always the name of the game. Cartographic propaganda has a long history behind its existence, having started in the European empire back in the 1800's.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hypsometric Map

A hypsometric map is described as a map that shows the relationship between elevation and terrain with color variation. In addition, a hypsometric map shows land configuration and relief. In a hypsometric map, cartographers use vibrant colors such as red to highlight elevated and cooler colors such as blue to indicated areas below the sea elevation.



The PLSS system stands for the "public land survey system" and had been used for determining exactly what land can be spatially identified "for sale" by the use of land parcels. It addition, a lot of this land which is owned by the federal government will not be offered for sale but will be used as National Wildlife Refuges, Wildlife Management Areas, and Nature Conservatories. It was first developed in the nineteenth century to make the separation and dividing of land and "easier" task. As we can see in this map depicted by the illustration, areas of land are divided up into parcels by meridians that run north and south to help separate boundary lines which then designate land areas. 


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cadastral Map

A cadastral map is defined as a map that provides "specific detail" about areas that surround us. This specific detail can relate to everything from property lines to coast line boundaries to school zoning. In this particular map of Florida, we can see the breakdown of each county relative to its size and geographic location. In addition, the blue coloration surrounding the coast line represent marine boundaries and marine managed areas.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Thematic Map

A thematic map displays information relating to themes. Theses map can display all kinds of thematic information such as political standpoints, population density, mortality rates, pollution percentages, and demographic information. In this particular map, the information depicted in the illustration exemplifies the political separation of parties compared to each state in the union.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Topographic Map

A topographic map is described as one that has a wide scale of elevations which are represented by different color schemes. In addition, topographic maps show manmade structures and natural features of the surrounding areas. In this map of the Unites States, we can see that the western portion of the U.S. has a much more rugged look than the eastern half which show us the massive amounts of elevation.


Planimetric Map

This map is a perfect example of a planimetric map. A planimetric map is one that is defined as one that has horizontal features and geographic features. At the same time this type of map does not show any type of topographic relief such as mountain ranges. This map in particular shows all of the roads from a horizontal type of view. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mental Map

The mental map is a point of view that a particular individual performs their every day routines to. In this particular situation, "Jack" has planned his entire week through a mental map. It appears that his week is going to be very busy yet organized via the "mental map". His week has been broken down into different sections such as "morning routine", "commuting to school", "school schedule", "work schedule", "commute home", and "home status". This chart exemplifies exactly what a mental map portrays.